Friday, July 12, 2019

Grease trap design

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What is a grease trap and how does it work?

How do you size a grease trap? A restaurant grease trap is often specified for a pot washing stainless steel sink or a dish machine. A flow restrictor on the inlet side of the trap slows incoming effluent material and redirects it through baffling inside the trap.

The most common design for a grease trap is to have two chambered tank arranged in such a way that it is lined along the wastewater drain pipe. The purpose behind this design is to slow down the flow of water so the FOG will have time to coagulate. The definition of a grease trap is “ a trap in a drain or waste pipe to prevent grease from passing into a sewer system.

A grease trap is in simple terms a plumbing fixture that contains decomposing food waste. The standard grease interceptor shall be constructed with a minimum of two baffles.

The approved design for grease traps shall be as follows: The grease trap must be constructed in accordance with the current plumbing codes adopted by the City of Austin, as amende and installed in a manner acceptable to the Watershed Protection and Development Review Department (no exceptions). The FOG Ordinance adopted by the Orange County Sanitation District requires grease interceptor sizing to conform to the Uniform Plumbing Code. These mechanisms are time-dependent, so the design of the tank must allow for an appropriate amount of retention time and for a calm environment beneath the liquid level. Common wastewater contains small amounts of oils which enter into septic tanks and treatment facilities to form a floating scum layer.

This scum layer is very slowly digested and broken down by microorganisms in the anaerobic digestion process. Find Solutions to All of Your Plumbing Needs at the Best Prices Online. Get the Job Done With the Most Dedicated Team Around. But design and engineering innovations in more recent years have allowed companies to develop new designs that are more efficient, longer lasting and easier to use and maintain. Greasy substances may also be a hazard to the environment.

The combination of kitchen appliances attached to the grease trap determines the size of the grease trap needed. A program of routine food residue scraping into the bin before beginning the wash process is important. Choose the correct grease trap sizing to allow enough time for wastewater to separate into layers.

Simply put, a grease trap (also commonly known as a grease convertor, grease recovery device, and grease interceptor) is a plumbing fixture designed to intercept most solids and greases before entering the sewer waste system. Grease control begins in the kitchen. These formulas have been demonstrated as industry standards capable of achieving the City’s discharge criteria when systems are maintained in proper condition.

Gareth Owen 90views. An interceptor whose rated flow is gpm or less and is located inside the building.

The Erie County Sewer District’s minimum standard for an oil and grease or sediment separator is an exterior unit of at least 7gallons. For example, a study in the city of Austin, Texas, concluded that retention time was the single most important factor in grease separation and that precast concrete gravity grease interceptors are required for acceptable retention times. The technologies shown on the cover are from other States and may not conform to these Design Standards.

In the case of any conflict between the apparent installation of a technology from any of the cover photos and the specifications in the figures, tables or text of these Design Standards, the Design Standards shall be used.

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