Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Water cycle information

What are all the process in the water cycle? What do you know about the water cycle? What is the correct order of water cycle? Is there a start to the water cycle? Of the many processes involved in the water cycle , the most important are evaporation, transpiration, condensation, precipitation, and runoff.

The mass of water on Earth remains fairly constant over time but the partitioning of the water into the major reservoirs of ice, fresh water , saline water and atmospheric water is variable depending on a wide range of climatic variables.

Of the that remains, is actively stored in glaciers or ice caps. First, water on the surface of the Earth evaporates. Then, water collects as water vapor in the sky. Next, the water in the clouds gets cold. Then, the water falls from the sky as rain, snow, sleet or hail.

Water plays many different roles on the Earth. This is called precipitation. But most of the water on Earth is in the oceans.

Some is vapor in the atmosphere. As water vapor in the clouds cools down it becomes water again, this process is called condensation. Collection: Oceans and lakes collect water that has fallen. Water evaporates into the sky again and the cycle continues. The sun, which drives the water cycle , heats water in the oceans.

When water falls back to earth as precipitation, it may fall back in the oceans, lakes or rivers or it may end up on land. The hydrological process is the process in which water moves in, on, and under the surface of the Earth, over and over again. Although it sounds simple, it forms the basis of the existence of living beings, as they use it for drinking and therefore, survival. The sun is the driving force of the water cycle.

It heats bodies of water on earth. Earth has been recycling water for over billion years…. The world’s water moves between lakes, rivers, oceans, the atmosphere and the land in an ongoing cycle called – you guessed it! As it goes through this continuous system, it can be a liquid (water), a gas (vapour) or a solid (ice).

Water is evaporated as vapor into the air. Water molecules cycle rapidly in the atmosphere, with an average residence time of only eleven days. Phenomenal Facts About the Water Cycle.

It is responsible for the continuous circulation of water around the planet, which is the key to maintaining life on Earth. All the water on Earth takes part in the water cycle.

Water vapor condenses into millions of tiny droplets that form clouds. The water cycle is one of the world’s most important systems. Clouds lose their water as rain or snow, which is called precipitation. Water controls the temperature of the Earth as well as the human body.

Water helps the human body to rid itself of wastes, protect organs and tissues and cushion joints. It also carries oxygen and nutrients to cells. People can live for about a month without food but only for a week without water. In general, water evaporates from oceans, then it condenses in the atmosphere as water vapor cools.

Water cycle keeps providing us with freshwater continuously.

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